

[11:58] <1999bug> CM4S just had to leave...
[12:09] <43legoman43> Hey
[12:11] <43legoman43> Does anyone know how to create a page?
[12:13] <1999bug> Yes
[12:13] <1999bug> Click contribute > add page
[12:14] <43legoman43> Thanks ;) 
[12:16] <43legoman43> Sorry I don't know a lot about bricki, but I don't go on that often
[12:27] <Sibunasenkhara> lorem
[12:27] <Sibunasenkhara> :) 
[12:27] <Sibunasenkhara> :( 
[12:27] <Sibunasenkhara> (angry)
[12:27] <Sibunasenkhara> Lorem
[12:27] <Sibunasenkhara> wow
[12:27] <KEAP> omg
[12:27] <KEAP> you have such epic emoticons
[12:27] <Thomasb97> Follow the rules everyone
[12:28] <Thomasb97> :) 
[12:28] <Thomasb97> :( 
[12:28] <Sibunasenkhara> like half of the hunger games chat is here!
[12:28] <Thomasb97> :D 
[12:28] <Sibunasenkhara> :D 
[12:28] <Thomasb97> :S 
[12:28] <Thomasb97> >:(
[12:28] <Thomasb97> D:<
[12:28] <Sibunasenkhara> :S 
[12:28] <Sibunasenkhara> :$
[12:28] <Sibunasenkhara> :P 
[12:28] <Thomasb97> (penguin)
[12:28] <Sibunasenkhara> (perry)
[12:29] <Sibunasenkhara> (perrythepenguin)
[12:29] <Sibunasenkhara> (perrytheplatypus)
[12:29] <Thomasb97> (nintendo) 
[12:30] <Gummygirlie> LEGOS
[12:31] <Sibunasenkhara> GALE!
[12:31] <Iluvgale> it's really iluvgale...
[12:31] <Sibunasenkhara> srry
[12:31] <Gummygirlie> I'm creating a Once Upon a Matress wiki
[12:32] <Iluvgale> okay
[12:32] <Iluvgale> I STILL haven't gotten kickbanned yet
[12:33] <Sibunasenkhara> lol
[12:33] <Iluvgale> geez
[12:33] <Iluvgale> I've been insulting them like CRAZY
[12:33] <Sibunasenkhara> lol they probably arent mods
[12:33] <Iluvgale> yah...
[12:34] <Iluvgale> one of the people
[12:34] <Iluvgale> asked me when our wedding was
[12:34] <Iluvgale> I told them it was the day after I pushed them into a volcano
[12:34] <Sibunasenkhara> lol
[12:35] <Iluvgale> and they're REALLY innapropriate
[12:36] <Agent Swipe> Hello.
[12:36] <Iluvgale> Hi!
[12:37] <Agent Swipe> Hello there!
[12:37] <Sibunasenkhara> iluvgale, PM me
[12:37] <Agent Swipe> I haven't seen you on before, are you new?
[12:37] <Sibunasenkhara> ya
[12:37] <Iluvgale> yup
[12:37] <Agent Swipe> Well, welcome to the wiki :P 
[12:38] <Iluvgale> thanks!
[12:38] <Agent Swipe> You're welcome.
[12:38] <Agent Swipe> Sibunasenkhara, welcome to the wiki as well!
[12:39] <Sibunasenkhara> thx
[12:41] <Agent Swipe> (Hmm) 
[12:42] <Iluvgale> sooooooo....
[12:45] <Agent Swipe> Why does chat have to be so slow these days. :P 
[12:45] <Iluvgale> IDK...
[12:45] <Sibunasenkhara> can i put i little bit of Pi on here?
[12:45] <Iluvgale> pie!!!!! I LOVE pie!
[12:45] <Agent Swipe> May I ask why?
[12:45] <Iluvgale> because it's yummy!
[12:46] <Agent Swipe> I was talking to Sibunasenkhara, :P 
[12:46] <Agent Swipe> o_O
[12:46] <Iluvgale> oooooooooooh
[12:46] <Agent Swipe> I must agree though, Pie is yummy :P 
[12:46] <Iluvgale> yup
[12:47] <1999bug> Lol\
[12:47] <1999bug> * Lol
[12:48] <Iluvgale> it's true!
[12:52] <Agent Swipe> Hello, Skdhjf.
[12:52] <Skdhjf> Taaaaaaaaaaatttttttt
[12:53] <Skdhjf> Hi
[12:53] <Skdhjf> So...
[12:53] <Skdhjf> Like my plain userpage?
[12:54] <Agent Swipe> (Hmm) 
[12:54] <Agent Swipe> I liked your old one more ;P
[12:55] <Skdhjf> I am going modern...
[12:55] <Skdhjf> With Mai new avatar
[12:55] <Skdhjf> I love this avatar so bad
[12:55] <Agent Swipe> =P
[12:56] <Skdhjf> It's the best avatar on the wiki.
[12:56] <Agent Swipe> ^Opinion^ :P 
[12:57] <Skdhjf> No
[12:57] <Skdhjf> No
[12:57] <Skdhjf> No
[12:57] <Skdhjf> Swipe
[12:57] <Skdhjf> :0
[12:58] <Agent Swipe> Yea?
[12:58] <Agent Swipe> 0_o
[12:59] <Skdhjf> BAM
[12:59] <Skdhjf> is yourself?
[01:00] <Agent Swipe> Myself is good :P 
[01:00] <Agent Swipe> And yourself? :P 
[01:00] <Skdhjf> Gr8
[01:02] <Agent Swipe> Is there a reason why you type differently now? 0_o =P
[01:02] <Skdhjf> It's because I am at your front door.
[01:02] <Skdhjf> :3
[01:03] <Skdhjf> *ding dong*
[01:03] <Skdhjf> Ågêñt śwįpë
[01:03] <Agent Swipe> Er. . .
[01:03] <Agent Swipe> :P 
[01:04] <Skdhjf> Hmm
[01:04] <Skdhjf> Hmm
[01:04] <Skdhjf> Hmm
[01:04] <Skdhjf> Hi
[01:04] <Skdhjf> Hi there
[01:05] <KEAP> :D 
[01:05] <KEAP> :) 
[01:09] <Volcam679> I have returned. Mwahahahaha
[01:10] <Volcam679> Wazzup
[01:10] <Agent Swipe> Hi.
[01:10] <Volcam679> Which one of you guys banned me last time?
[01:11] <Agent Swipe> And why were you banned?
[01:11] <Agent Swipe> And who are you?
[01:11] <CM4S> There is nothing to do.
[01:11] <CM4S> .-.
[01:12] <Skdhjf> Yes
[01:12] <Volcam679> I don't know why I was banned. I did nothing wrong. And I was the kid that lives in Belgium
[01:12] <Skdhjf> We can play a game, CM4S
[01:12] <CM4S> ..?
[01:12] <Skdhjf> Hot Potato
[01:12] <Agent Swipe> I don't remember you. . .
[01:12] <Skdhjf> Twister
[01:12] <Skdhjf> Life
[01:12] <Skdhjf> (tm)
[01:13] <Volcam679> Skdhjf does. Remember me
[01:13] <CM4S> ?
[01:13] <Skdhjf> Yup
[01:13] <Volcam679> Now who banned me from the last time
[01:13] <CM4S> <_<
[01:13] <CM4S> >_>
[01:13] <Skdhjf> I think a mod did
[01:13] <CM4S> -runs out window-
[01:13] <Volcam679> Which mod?
[01:13] <Skdhjf> I think swipe did
[01:13] <Skdhjf> XD
[01:13] <Skdhjf> Bbl
[01:13] <Volcam679> Swipe that is here right now?
[01:13] <CM4S> Yes.
[01:13] <CM4S> :) 
[01:14] <Agent Swipe> Eh?
[01:14] <Volcam679> Why would you block me? I did nothing wrong. And if you blocked me, how come you can't remember me?
[01:14] <Volcam679> :( 
[01:15] <1999bug> @CM4S: Six more figs to go...
[01:15] <CM4S> So frikkin bored <_>
[01:15] <1999bug> Want to see closeups of my customs?
[01:15] <CM4S> Sssure.
[01:15] <Volcam679> Answer me!!!!!!!!
[01:15] <1999bug> Oh wait
[01:15] <1999bug> You already saw the LXF
[01:15] <1999bug> Right?
[01:15] <CM4S> LXF.
[01:15] <CM4S> ?
[01:15] <Volcam679> Why did you block me Swipe?
[01:15] <1999bug> Derp
[01:15] <1999bug> LXF = LDD File
[01:16] <1999bug> I linked it yesterday
[01:16] <Agent Swipe> I don't remember blocking you.
[01:16] <1999bug> I'll show you pics in PM
[01:16] <Volcam679> Well someone banned me from chat and I couldn't get on it for almost 2 weeks. Now WHO did it????!!!!
[01:16] <1999bug> Ugh
[01:16] <1999bug> Fail
[01:16] <Agent Swipe> And if I did, it was for a good reason. 
[01:16] <Volcam679> Well I did nothing wrong
[01:17] <Agent Swipe> Is this the account that was banned?
[01:17] <Agent Swipe> Or was there an older one?
[01:17] <Volcam679> Yes. I managed to get back on it.
[01:17] <Volcam679> You have to remember me. I said I was scared of Elmo and said something about Britney Spears
[01:18] <Agent Swipe> Skdhjf banned you, for Inappropriate Language.
[01:19] <Volcam679> Then why didn't Skdhjf tell me that he was the one.
[01:19] <Volcam679> And I used no bad language
[01:19] <1999bug> *Facepalm*
[01:20] <CM4S> He left.
[01:20] <CM4S> Lol
[01:20] <Volcam679> As I was saying. I used no inappriote language
[01:20] <Volcam679> Inappropriate
[01:20] <Agent Swipe> Eh. . .
[01:20] <Agent Swipe> I think I kind of remember you
[01:20] <Volcam679> I didn't. I swear. If I did what language did I use?
[01:21] <Agent Swipe> I think you said something that he thought was Inappropriate to him, but not to you.
[01:21] <Volcam679> What did I say?
[01:22] <CM4S> ------- Is what you said.
[01:22] <CM4S> c:
[01:22] <Volcam679> I cannot read that. Just say the first and last letter. 
[01:23] <Volcam679> Just forget it. I don't think I derserved to be blocked for something that petty.
[01:24] <CM4S> -kickbans-
[01:24] <CM4S> 8D
[01:24] <Volcam679> I don't derserve to be kickbanned again/ I did nothing wrong the last time.
[01:25] <Volcam679> And I'm doing nothing wrong now
[01:26] <Agent Swipe> I know.
[01:27] <Agent Swipe> You don't need to be banned again.
[01:27] <Volcam679> Of course I don't. I've done nothing wrong. By the way, are you the one that accused me of being underage?
[01:28] <Agent Swipe> Me?
[01:28] <Agent Swipe> Not in my knowledge. 
[01:28] <CM4S> <_<
[01:28] <CM4S> >_>
[01:28] <CM4S> 
[01:29] <The Drome> Yo
[01:29] <Agent Swipe> Hello, The Drome.
[01:29] <The Drome> Please call me Drome
[01:30] <Agent Swipe> Okay, The Drome :P 
[01:30] <The Drome> So any way what are up to?
[01:30] <Volcam679> What's up The Drone.
[01:30] <The Drome> Its drome
[01:30] <Volcam679> That's what I said.
[01:30] <The Drome> Listining to music
[01:31] <Volcam679> Listining?
[01:31] <The Drome> You said drone not drome
[01:31] <CM4S> xD
[01:31] <The Drome> yes
[01:31] <Volcam679> I don't recall saying Drone. If I did, Drone sounds better. What does Drome mean. It makes no sense.
[01:31] <The Drome> It was a comic book a came up with
[01:32] <Volcam679> Cligra. Your back. Remember me. Что до куриного прикладом
[01:32] <Cligra> Greetings! 
[01:33] <The Drome> yo
[01:33] <Agent Swipe> Hello, Cligra.
[01:33] <Cligra> Oh, and warn one, PA
[01:33] <Cligra> Hey, Swipe!
[01:33] <The Drome> Huh?
[01:33] <Agent Swipe> PA?
[01:33] <Agent Swipe> Eh?
[01:33] <Cligra> Personal Attack
[01:34] <Volcam679> Hey Cligra. Вы когда-нибудь наблюдали страшное игра Maze
[01:34] <The Drome> Which means
[01:34] <Cligra> No.
[01:34] <Volcam679> YOu should go watch it. It's a fun game on YouTUbe
[01:34] <The Drome> You tube has games?
[01:34] <Volcam679> No, it's just a video of a game. GO check it out
[01:35] <The Drome> eh not right now
[01:35] <Cligra> /\
[01:35] <The Drome> hi
[01:35] <Volcam679> Well, when watching it, just put the volume up all the way, put it on full screen, and IGNORE the comments.
[01:35] <Sonofhades101> Hello
[01:35] <Sonofhades101> I saw the HUnger Games!
[01:35] <The Drome> Why?
[01:36] <Volcam679> Becuase. That's what makes it awesome.
[01:36] <Sonofhades101> It was so cool!
[01:36] <The Drome> Well i'm glad you say so :P 
[01:36] <Cligra> @Sonofhades: Nice! I saw it as well.
[01:36] <Sonofhades101> Katniss was amazing
[01:36] <Cligra> Yeah.
[01:36] <The Drome> I haven't even read the books
[01:36] <Volcam679> Watch it as soon as possible, Drone.
[01:36] <Sonofhades101> I loved it when she shot the arrow through the apple in the boars mouth
[01:36] <The Drome> and I heard it was depressing
[01:36] <Volcam679> NO SPOILERS!!
[01:37] <Sonofhades101> There are lots od people who die
[01:37] <Volcam679> I haven't seen it yet, and don't want to be spoiled
[01:37] <Cligra> I just read the book for he fourth time. :P 
[01:37] <Sonofhades101> Ok
[01:37] <The Drome> I just finished a book
[01:37] <Volcam679> Did you watch the video yet, Drone?
[01:37] <Sonofhades101> DO u want to know what the games are?
[01:37] <The Drome> Don't call me drone!!
[01:37] <Volcam679> Sorry, DROME.
[01:37] <The Drome> thank you
[01:37] <Sonofhades101> What do u want me to call u?
[01:37] <Volcam679> Did you watch it yet.
[01:38] <Sonofhades101> DROME...
[01:38] <Sonofhades101> Not Drone...
[01:38] <The Drome>
[01:38] <The Drome> They way to answer negetivly
[01:38] <Volcam679> What was that 9 second waste of my life?
[01:39] <The Drome> Its awesome though!
[01:39] <Volcam679> If you haven't watched it yet, do it soon. And make sure its very dark. And you are alone.
[01:39] <The Drome> it was actully 8 seconds
[01:39] <Volcam679> IT was 9 seconds!!
[01:40] <The Drome> Well it said
[01:40] <The Drome> 8!
[01:40] <Volcam679> Go watch it soon!!!
[01:40] <The Drome> I don't even know what in the heck its called
[01:40] <Volcam679> It's called Scary Maze Game
[01:40] <The Drome> ok I'll remeber it
[01:40] <Sonofhades101> Does it really matter?
[01:41] <Volcam679> YEs. You should go watch it soon!
[01:41] <The Drome> In theroy it doesn/t
[01:41] <Sonofhades101> (silly) 
[01:41] <Volcam679> :| 
[01:41] <Sonofhades101> Are u guys new?
[01:41] <The Drome> I am
[01:41] <Sonofhades101> I dont think ive met u before...
[01:41] <Cligra> Not in my case. :P 
[01:41] <The Drome> In theory :P 
[01:41] <Volcam679> I recently got back from a 2 WEEK BAN!!
[01:42] <Sonofhades101> Oh.
[01:42] <Sonofhades101> Why were u banned?
[01:42] <Volcam679> Did you watch it yet?
[01:42] <The Drome> Cause Ive nevr really been on chat before
[01:42] <Sonofhades101> Nvm
[01:42] <The Drome> Not yet dude just chill for a sec ok
[01:42] <Volcam679> Alright. It's just so awesome. Just remember what I said when watching it.
[01:42] <The Drome> ok
[01:43] <The Drome> But if its scary I might down size the screen
[01:43] <Volcam679> It's not scary. It's just a fun maze game. That's all.
[01:43] <CM4S> Anyone have minifigure suggestions?
[01:43] <The Drome> ok..
[01:43] <The Drome> for?
[01:43] <Volcam679> NO!!!!
[01:43] <Volcam679> :P 
[01:43] <Cligra> ........
[01:43] <Sonofhades101> Zombie barbies...
[01:43] <The Drome> ^
[01:44] <Sonofhades101> Crazy pigs...
[01:44] <Volcam679> Остановитесь в том, что, как вы дурак
[01:44] <Cligra> Um... GoGo Dancers?
[01:44] <Sonofhades101> ?
[01:44] <Volcam679> I speak Russian
[01:44] <The Drome> My face!
[01:44] <Volcam679> My arm!
[01:44] <Cligra> Warn 2, Volcam...
[01:44] <The Drome> I speak ASL
[01:44] <Volcam679> Warn 2 about what?
[01:44] <Cligra> PA
[01:44] <The Drome> but that can't be expressed in chat
[01:45] <Volcam679> What does that stand for?
[01:45] <CM4S> Cligra
[01:45] <CM4S> Minifigure ideas D:
[01:45] <The Drome> American sign language
[01:45] <Cligra> GoGo Dancers, CM4S!
[01:45] <Volcam679> No, what does PA stand for?
[01:45] <Cligra> Personal Attack
[01:45] <Volcam679> I'm not attacking anyone
[01:45] <Cligra> @Cm4S: Let me give i some thought.... 
[01:45] <The Drome> How about....
[01:45] <The Drome> Me!
[01:45] <Cligra> *it
[01:45] <Volcam679> And how can you kickban me, your not an administrator
[01:45] <Volcam679> 
[01:46] <Volcam679> @Cligra
[01:46] <Cligra> Ehh... A ghost?
[01:46] <CM4S> But there's already one in the MF theme
[01:46] <CM4S> It'd be just like the one in a CM series
[01:46] <Cligra> @Volcam: Actually, I'm an Administrator and Bureaucrat....
[01:46] <The Drome> What do you need minifig ideas for?
[01:46] <Cligra> @Cm4S: Good point.
[01:46] <Volcam679> Bureaucrat, What does that mean?
[01:46] <CM4S> Better than you c:
[01:46] <Cligra> It means I can make people admins. 
[01:46] <The Drome> It means u have a big ban hammer :P 
[01:46] <The Drome> 
[01:46] <Volcam679> CAn you make me one?!
[01:47] <CM4S> xD xD xD xD xD xD
[01:47] <Volcam679> Can you make me an admin?
[01:47] <Cligra> 
[01:47] <Cligra> ......................................Maybe someday, if you stop insulting people in Russian.....................................
[01:47] <Volcam679> I was not insulting anybody
[01:47] <Cligra> 
[01:48] <Volcam679> About time.
[01:48] <Cligra> ............................
[01:48] <Volcam679> What?
[01:48] <The Drome> ..........
[01:49] <Volcam679> I need to ask a question. If I posted something bad, and left before you could kickban me, what would happen?
[01:49] <The Drome> He could ban you anyway
[01:49] <Cligra> Yup.
[01:49] <The Drome> I was banned not it chat
[01:49] <Cligra> I can access your rights page. :D 
[01:50] <The Drome> lol
[01:50] <Volcam679> I don't deserve to be banned.
[01:50] <Cligra> Not yet.
[01:50] <The Drome> Nobody does....
[01:50] <Cligra> Two more warnings, though.....
[01:50] <Volcam679> What do you mean "yet"
[01:50] <The Drome> in theory
[01:50] <The Drome> :P 
[01:52] <Cligra> Well, I have to go.... 
[01:52] <Sonofhades101> Guys, do u have to fight?
[01:52] <The Drome> Do you guys have a weird smell that you like that nobody ealese likes?
[01:52] <Sonofhades101> Bye Cligra
[01:52] <The Drome> cya
[01:52] <Cligra> Someone screenshot it if anything bad is said. :P 
[01:52] <Sonofhades101> Um...
[01:52] <CM4S> I need a historical figure
[01:52] <The Drome> ok
[01:52] <CM4S> An explorer.
[01:52] <Sonofhades101> Cortes!
[01:52] <The Drome> leif ericson
[01:53] <Cligra> @The Drome: LOL, if you're actually referencing Y......
[01:53] <The Drome> Huh?
[01:53] <Cligra> nvm
[01:53] <Cligra> Remember, screenshots... :P 
[01:53] <The Drome> ok 
[01:53] <The Drome> *open snipping tool*
[01:54] <The Drome> so as I was saying
[01:54] <The Drome> Do you guys have a weird smell that you like that nobody ealese likes?
[01:54] <CM4S> I need more minifigure ideas D:
[01:54] <The Drome> What is it for?
[01:55] <Sonofhades101> Tarzan...
[01:55] <Sonofhades101> Hi
[01:55] <The Drome> hello
[01:55] <Sonofhades101> Cm4s, look at roblox bricki server!
[01:55] <CM4S> Not now
[01:55] <Sonofhades101> I need to show u the sky bridge later...
[01:56] <Sonofhades101> Its awesome
[01:56] <43legoman43> boat captain
[01:56] <The Drome> This song is awesome!!!
[01:56] <The Drome>
[02:57] <CM4S> ...
[02:57] <43legoman43> NOT vet
[02:57] <CM4S> I made a vet :P 
[02:57] <1999bug> xP
[02:57] <1999bug> I had that idea earlier
[02:57] <1999bug> I was like... "No, that's boring..."
[02:57] <Cligra> How about a Psychologist? 
[02:57] <43legoman43> I mean it like this: lego pet store owner (not to be confused with vet)
[02:57] <CM4S> ..
[02:58] <43legoman43> lego gymnast 
[02:59] <CM4S> [[Fitness Instructor]]
[02:59] <CM4S> :l
[02:59] <43legoman43> oh yeah
[02:59] <43legoman43> i forgot
[03:00] <43legoman43> lego bike racer
[03:01] <CM4S> If I made a fe--
[03:01] <43legoman43> fe- what?
[03:03] <Cligra> How about a ventriloquist with dummy? It could go with the Mime.
[03:03] <1999bug> [[User:1999bug/CustomSetTemp]] I added my CMs.
[03:04] <43legoman43> @Cligra that would be cool
[03:04] <CM4S> Hmm.
[03:04] <CM4S> I'll see what I can do, :) 
[03:05] <43legoman43> nice
[03:06] <43legoman43> lego marathon runner
[03:06] <43legoman43> computer mechanic
[03:06] <43legoman43> plumber
[03:06] <43legoman43> janitor 
[03:06] <43legoman43> lego chat mod!
[03:07] <CM4S> [[Computer Programmer]]
[03:07] <1999bug> xD
[03:07] <1999bug> Chat Mod
[03:07] <1999bug> xD
[03:07] <1999bug> Computer Programmer is not a moderator. :P 
[03:08] <43legoman43> When did I say that?
[03:08] <1999bug> CM4S was trying to show you we already have a Computer Programmer.
[03:09] <1999bug> Oh wait.
[03:09] <CM4S> Two more to go..
[03:09] <1999bug> He ways replying to Computer Mechanic.
[03:09] <1999bug> Derp.
[03:09] <1999bug> 2 more!
[03:09] <1999bug> Woot.
[03:09] <1999bug> =P
[03:09] <43legoman43> What does derp mean?
[03:09] <CM4S> Clumsyness
[03:09] <CM4S> Silliness
[03:09] <43legoman43> oh
[03:09] <1999bug> Failure
[03:09] <CM4S> NOT FAILURE
[03:09] <1999bug> FAILURE
[03:09] <CM4S> That's offensive to disabled peoplez
[03:09] <1999bug> >:L
[03:10] <1999bug> I didn't know you were disabled. <:0
[03:10] <1999bug> :P 
[03:11] <43legoman43> lego author
[03:11] <CM4S> ._.
[03:11] <CM4S> Suggest Female minifigs
[03:12] <43legoman43> umm
[03:12] <43legoman43> let's see...
[03:12] <1999bug> Hmm
[03:12] <43legoman43> female lawyer
[03:12] <CM4S> ..
[03:12] <43legoman43> or judge
[03:12] <CM4S> What, no
[03:12] <CM4S> I made a judge
[03:12] <CM4S> in Series 9
[03:12] <43legoman43> oh
[03:13] <43legoman43> cab driver
[03:13] <1999bug> Hmm
[03:13] <43legoman43> security like at a concert
[03:13] <1999bug> Housewife!
[03:13] <1999bug> :P 
[03:13] <1999bug> Mall Cop! :P 
[03:13] <CM4S> You want a drama couch with that?
[03:13] <CM4S> xD xD
[03:13] <1999bug> xD
[03:14] <1999bug> Crap
[03:14] <1999bug> :P 
[03:14] <1999bug> JASON! MAKE JASON. IDK why... but we need a Serial Killer...
[03:15] <CM4S> Hmm
[03:15] <1999bug> :P 
[03:15] <CM4S> What's a monster in MF that hasn't been created
[03:15] <1999bug> Hmm ...
[03:15] <1999bug> There are tons of monsters out there...
[03:16] <CM4S> Like.. classic ones
[03:16] <1999bug> I know
[03:16] <1999bug> Still... tons
[03:16] <1999bug> I know...
[03:16] <1999bug> The Invisible Man
[03:17] <1999bug> :P 
[03:17] <1999bug> He normally wears wrappings around his body and sunglasses.
[03:17] <CM4S> Hey..
[03:17] <1999bug> Frankenstein's Bride?
[03:17] <CM4S> Look at this:
[03:17] <CM4S>
[03:17] <CM4S> Read the comment by the "Tim" guy
[03:17] <CM4S> He works for LEGO c:
[03:18] <1999bug> That is an image from LU concepts. :P 
[03:18] <1999bug> A smile on his face, eh?
[03:19] <CM4S> Might be some confirmation..
[03:19] <1999bug> Yeah
[03:20] <CM4S> One more fig..
[03:22] <1999bug> Frankenstein's Bride?
[03:25] <CM4S> I did her ;) 
[03:25] <CM4S> One more..
[03:26] <43legoman43> still female?
[03:26] <CM4S> Nope.
[03:26] <43legoman43> lego DJ
[03:26] <CM4S> Meh
[03:27] <CM4S> Fine.
[03:27] <CM4S> c:
[03:27] <43legoman43> if not, how about a cashier 
[03:28] <43legoman43> or hospital patient
[03:28] <43legoman43> or carpenter
[03:28] <1999bug> Now the ideas fly out.
[03:28] <1999bug> =P
[03:28] <Brickguy102> hi
[03:29] <CM4S> Done.
[03:29] <CM4S> :) 
[03:29] <43legoman43> :D 
[03:29] <1999bug> Check this out: [[User:1999bug/CustomSetTemp]]
[03:29] <43legoman43> that's what happens
[03:29] <1999bug> =P
[03:29] <Brickguy102> i just made a youtube video here is a link if you want to see it
[03:29] <Brickguy102> just copy and paste that
[03:29] <43legoman43> @bug cool :P 
[03:30] <Brickguy102> if u want to see it just type in thebricktheater101 lego dino island
[03:31] <Brickguy102> on youtube
[03:31] <1999bug> Or click this..
[03:31] <Brickguy102> oh
[03:31] <Brickguy102> do u want to see it
[03:31] <1999bug> Watching
[03:32] <43legoman43> me too 
[03:32] <Brickguy102> comment on it if u want
[03:32] <43legoman43> well actually it's loading
[03:32] <Brickguy102> oh
[03:32] <43legoman43> ok ;) 
[03:34] <FB100Z> I can see hands on the edges of the screen :P 
[03:34] <Brickguy102> i know
[03:35] <FB100Z> I'd consider getting a tripod; the shaky camera is distracting from the content =/
[03:35] <FB100Z> I'll stop being Mr. Film Critic, though.
[03:35] <FB100Z> Good work, anyhow,
[03:35] <FB100Z> =)
[03:35] <Brickguy102> okay ill try to get one
[03:36] <CM4S> Stupid chat broke
[03:36] <CM4S> What are those things called
[03:36] <CM4S> Drill hammers?
[03:36] <CM4S> You use them in the ground?
[03:36] <1999bug> Uh
[03:36] <1999bug> Jack hammers? Pneumatic Hammers?
[03:36] <1999bug> Pick Axe?
[03:37] <1999bug> Shovel? :P 
[03:37] <CM4S> Jack hammer!
[03:37] <CM4S> Thanks
[03:37] <FB100Z> Are you referring to LEGO, or Real Life (tm)?
[03:37] <CM4S> Both :P 
[03:37] <CM4S> Nvm
[03:37] <CM4S> Also: Prepare to be dissapointed:
[03:37] <CM4S>
[03:37] <CM4S> ._.
[03:37] <CM4S> View the better version here:
[03:38] <1999bug> Sir, I am disappoint.
[03:38] <Brickguy102> so did u like the video
[03:38] <1999bug> I liked the video, but didn't like it. :P If you catch my drift. :P 
[03:39] <1999bug> Cuz of the like option.
[03:39] <1999bug> You know.
[03:39] <1999bug> x3
[03:39] <1999bug> CM4S... better version...?
[03:39] <43legoman43> It's loading still :| 
[03:39] <CM4S> Forget it
[03:39] <CM4S> [[File:Series11Proto1.png]]
[03:39] <CM4S> ;--;
[03:39] <43legoman43> my internet is very slow
[03:39] <Brickguy102> there will be a 2 probaly next week
[03:39] <CM4S> OH
[03:39] <CM4S> My
[03:39] <CM4S> GOD
[03:39] <1999bug> *Zooms in*
[03:40] <CM4S>
[03:40] <CM4S> YES!
[03:40] <1999bug> Nice camper
[03:40] <1999bug> I like the toolbox. :0
[03:41] <1999bug> What's the dude beside Frankenstein's Bride?
[03:41] <Legodude101> @Mythrun: Just came to inform you I stole like 50% of the Emoticons from the LU wiki
[03:41] <Legodude101> Not stole... used, borrowed I suppose
[03:41] <Mythrun> So?
[03:41] <CM4S> Mythrun :D 
[03:42] <1999bug> Mythrun is a silent ninja...
[03:42] <1999bug> ._.
[03:42] <Legodude101> Heard your sensitive, thats all 
[03:42] <CM4S> Guys
[03:42] <Legodude101> Very
[03:42] <CM4S> Nvm
[03:42] <Legodude101> Didnt wanna upset you, thats all
[03:42] <CM4S> ?
[03:42] <CM4S> Um..
[03:42] <CM4S> Oh, a bad DJ ._.
[03:42] <Legodude101> Well, thats all really
[03:43] <Legodude101> Tell the LU wiki I say Hi
[03:43] <1999bug> ^ That dude became admin at Ninjago Wiki the other day.
[03:43] <CM4S> ..
[03:43] <1999bug> I saw it in my email..
[03:43] <1999bug> Cuz they have message wall.
[03:44] <CM4S> -facepalm-
[03:44] <CM4S> That wiki is kinda bad.
[03:44] <1999bug> >_>
[03:44] <1999bug> It's not too bad.
[03:44] <Cligra> It is, rather. 
[03:45] <1999bug> It's better than some wikis...
[03:45] <1999bug> @CM4S: What's the dude beside Frankenstein's Bride?
[03:48] <1999bug> ...
[03:50] <1999bug> ...
[03:50] <CM4S> I said a bad DJ
[03:51] <1999bug> Derp
[03:51] <1999bug> Ok
[03:51] <CM4S> Bug
[03:51] <1999bug> ?
[03:51] <CM4S> Let's see who can come up with the most awesome thing using only the MINIFIGURE section of LDD
[03:51] <1999bug> Girl with the blue ribbon?
[03:52] <1999bug> Okay?
[03:52] <CM4S> Horse Jockey
[03:52] <CM4S> Idk, let's go
[03:52] <1999bug> Oh
[03:52] <1999bug> K
[03:52] <CM4S> Coolest minifigure*
[03:53] <Cligra> I'll see what I can do... Can we do LDD extended?
[03:53] <1999bug> So it has to be a minifig? Not some random thing? =P
[03:53] <1999bug> Cligra: Probably
[03:53] <Cligra> K
[03:54] <CM4S> Yes
[04:00] <CM4S> Done yet?
[04:00] <Cligra> Yup
[04:00] <Cligra> My idea: A ghost. I usually use the Genie's legs for him, but they're the the "parts" section.
[04:00] <1999bug> Not done yet.
[04:01] <1999bug> I'm busy panicking. =P
[04:01] <CM4S> Whoa o.o
[04:01] <CM4S> That'
[04:01] <CM4S> It's really neat
[04:01] <CM4S> I want it D:
[04:01] <Cligra> Thanks! :D 
[04:01] <1999bug> Lol
[04:03] <CM4S> I present to you:
[04:03] <CM4S> Whatever the heck this thing is
[04:03] <1999bug> :P 
[04:03] <CM4S> [[File:Randomthing.png]]
[04:03] <1999bug> o.o
[04:03] <Cligra> O_o
[04:03] <Cligra> I like, though.... :P 
[04:04] <CM4S> It's 
[04:04] <CM4S> Osama
[04:04] <CM4S> in
[04:04] <CM4S> a robot thing
[04:04] <Cligra> :P 
[04:04] <CM4S> with a jetpack
[04:04] <CM4S> Idk
[04:04] <CM4S> Did you see my Grevious head use?
[04:04] <1999bug> Yes
[04:06] <1999bug> Mine sucks... and isn't done
[04:06] <1999bug> =P
[04:06] <Cligra> I can't get over the Evil Knight's head... It's scaring me. :/ 
[04:06] <CM4S> Same
[04:06] <CM4S> It's so..old..and...
[04:06] <CM4S> creepy
[04:07] <1999bug> Ikr
[04:07] <Cligra> I think it might be nice for a weird version of Palpatine, though... It IS less freaky than his Clone Wars face...
[04:08] <CM4S> Yes..
[04:09] <1999bug> My thing is very small for the amount of time I'm taking. :/ 
[04:09] <CM4S> xD
[04:09] <CM4S> xD
[04:09] <CM4S> I'm such a perv :P 
[04:10] <1999bug> Oh Lord CM4S. x3
[04:11] <CM4S> I'm making some sort of comic thing where you, Knight and I become B.A. or something
[04:11] <CM4S> Why? Because I'm bored.
[04:12] <Cligra> :/ 
[04:12] <CM4S> ..Do you wanna be in it?
[04:12] <CM4S> c:
[04:12] <1999bug> c:
[04:12] <1999bug> =P
[04:12] <CM4S> :P 
[04:13] <Cligra> Eh, sure. Whatever, man.....
[04:13] <CM4S> I need a sig-fig image
[04:13] <Cligra> LL made one, but in paint....
[04:13] <CM4S> :l
[04:13] <1999bug> SUGFD - Super Ultra Gun Force Drone
[04:13] <1999bug> IDK
[04:14] <Cligra> So, anything'd work....
[04:14] <1999bug> I like big guns.
[04:14] <Cligra> Give me Friends hair! :D 
[04:14] <1999bug> Loooool
[04:14] <CM4S> Lol
[04:14] <Cligra> Wow, that's surprisingly cool, Bug.
[04:14] <CM4S> They don't have 
[04:14] <CM4S> Holy brick that's AWESOME
[04:14] <Cligra> There is one piece, the one that Olivia's mother uses...
[04:14] <1999bug> I like CM4S' better.
[04:14] <CM4S> So..
[04:14] <CM4S> you're..a..
[04:14] <CM4S> transv--BAM
[04:15] <1999bug> Not again. ._.
[04:15] <CM4S> never mind
[04:15] <1999bug> Why do I keep making comments that turn out bad in his head. x3
[04:15] <CM4S> I still wanna see it..
[04:15] <1999bug> You would like to.
[04:15] <1999bug> *Facepalm*
[04:15] <CM4S> No, I wanna see his sig-fi
[04:15] <CM4S> g
[04:16] <1999bug> Ikr
[04:16] <Cligra> Sure, I'll see if I can find it.
[04:16] <CM4S> Or make your own
[04:16] <CM4S> :) 
[04:16] <Cligra> Eh. Maybe....
[04:16] <Cligra> Can my sigfig be DA Ca$H COW?!?!
[04:16] <1999bug> This shows off how big they are:
[04:17] <1999bug> I worded it that way on purpose. ;D
[04:17] <CM4S> xD
[04:17] <Cligra> Here's the one LL made: [[File:Cligra sigfig.png]]
[04:17] <Cligra> I can make my own, if y'want....
[04:18] <1999bug>
[04:18] <1999bug> ^ Click
[04:18] <Cligra> :P That doesn't count. :P 
[04:18] <1999bug> It has 4 minifigs on it. =P
[04:18] <1999bug> All of you.
[04:18] <1999bug> =P
[04:18] <Cligra> Eh.
[04:19] <1999bug> Why do I have so many NewFiles tabs up??? o.O
[04:19] <1999bug> Like 5 times...
[04:19] <1999bug> ._.
[04:20] <CM4S> Lol
[04:20] <1999bug> Name this MOC and you get a free cookie:
[04:20] <CM4S> I like ur caik
[04:20] <CM4S> Gorus
[04:20] <1999bug> FAIL
[04:20] <CM4S> :P 
[04:21] <CM4S> xD
[04:21] <1999bug> But LEGOJANG has a MOC named Goruz. =P
[04:21] <1999bug> Hint: Starts with an A. ;D
[04:21] <Cligra> Apple? Ant? Aloe?
[04:21] <Cligra> Appaloosa? 
[04:21] <CM4S> :o 
[04:21] <1999bug> x3
[04:21] <CM4S> R 
[04:21] <CM4S> U
[04:21] <CM4S> A
[04:21] <Cligra> Appalachian? 
[04:21] <CM4S> BRONY
[04:21] <Cligra> Am I getting closer? :D 
[04:22] <1999bug> No
[04:22] <1999bug> :P 
[04:22] <Cligra> Ah, man!
[04:22] <1999bug> Hint: [[User:1999bug/CustomSetTemp]]
[04:22] <1999bug> Looky thar
[04:22] <1999bug> 3=
[04:23] <1999bug> Right in that thar BIONICLE section.
[04:23] <1999bug> 3=
[04:23] <Cligra> That noesa countsa!
[04:24] <1999bug> i liek masht potatoz
[04:24] <CM4S> i leik turdulz
[04:24] <1999bug> i 8 turdulz 4 mai brakfust
[04:25] <1999bug> mudkipz 4 lunch
[04:25] <1999bug> poopies 4 deenur
[04:25] <1999bug> masht potatoz 4 snax
[04:26] <CM4S> Clig
[04:26] <CM4S> Hair?
[04:26] <CM4S> .
[04:27] <LEGOMAN2135> what is the 16 minifigure thing u posted
[04:27] <Cligra> The the Friends one! :D 
[04:27] <LEGOMAN2135> oh and i liek yuor speling
[04:28] <CM4S> You want girl hair
[04:28] <CM4S> That's..
[04:28] <LEGOMAN2135> and no NOT FRIENDS that theme gives me the Heede Geebies
[04:28] <LEGOMAN2135> Heebe
[04:28] <CM4S> It won't work with your jetpack
[04:28] <LEGOMAN2135> ?
[04:28] <Cligra> Then I'll have rocket boots!
[04:29] <LEGOMAN2135> ooh
[04:29] <LEGOMAN2135> sounds fun
[04:29] <LEGOMAN2135> i gtg
[04:29] <CM4S> No.
[04:29] <Cligra> CM4S, wait, I have a fig. Let me post it-
[04:29] <CM4S> Freaking
[04:29] <CM4S> Friends Hair D:
[04:30] <Cligra> Here:
[04:31] <CM4S> You're a woman?
[04:31] <Cligra> Eh, you never can tell.
[04:31] <Cligra> ;) 
[04:32] <Skdhjf> O.o
[04:32] <CM4S> Skd, Clig's a girl
[04:32] <Skdhjf> I knew it already.
[04:32] <Skdhjf> From the start.
[04:32] <Skdhjf> When she joined.
[04:32] <Cligra> Did the cat give it away? :P 
[04:32] <Skdhjf> Yes it did.
[04:32] <Skdhjf> Also, the baby-moving thingy gave it away also.
[04:32] <Skdhjf> the walker
[04:32] <Skdhjf> :I
[04:32] <Cligra> But, in any case, I'm not commenting either way. :P 
[04:32] <Skdhjf> You are female though, right?
[04:33] <Skdhjf> (just to confirm)
[04:33] <Skdhjf> No wonder you get all irritated when I asked where you lived an all. :I
[04:34] <Cligra> If you wish to deduce my gender from what avatars I use and what LEGO I use, be my guest. :P 
[04:34] <Skdhjf> Hmm.
[04:34] <Skdhjf> :I
[04:34] <Skdhjf> I am trying to see through the fog of lies.
[04:34] <Cligra> Eh.
[04:35] <Skdhjf> Yes. The fog is really thick.
[04:35] <Cligra> *hands Skp anti-fig glasses* 
[04:35] <Cligra> *skd :P 
[04:35] <Cligra> *tat :P 
[04:35] <Skdhjf> :I
[04:35] <Skdhjf> Well, there are many points which suggest Cligra's gender is female:
[04:35] <1999bug> @Cligra Add fog to that list of corrections. =P 
[04:36] <1999bug> You said fig
[04:36] <Cligra> Oops... 
[04:36] <Cligra> Anti-fig. 
[04:36] <Cligra> Heh.
[04:36] <Skdhjf> 1) When NHL unintentionally said in japanese "you cute?", Cligra seemed pretty restless..
[04:36] <Skdhjf> :I
[04:36] <Cligra> Hm.
[04:36] <Skdhjf> 2) His avatar. (although cats are uni-gender avatar)
[04:36] <Cligra> :/ 
[04:36] <Skdhjf> *his/her
[04:37] <Skdhjf> I seriously don't know...
[04:37] <Skdhjf> I will just consider you to be a male for now.
[04:37] <Skdhjf> Although...
[04:37] <Cligra> Is Doctor Stranglelove particularly feminist, one asks? 
[04:37] <Skdhjf> ?.?
[04:37] <Cligra> My avatar. :P 
[04:38] <Skdhjf> Well, no..
[04:38] <Skdhjf> Not exactly...
[04:38] <Skdhjf> I am getting confused now.
[04:38] <Cligra> Here, have a nice refreshing glass of Gargletine breakfast drink!
[04:38] <Cligra> That'll help!
[04:38] <Skdhjf> The only thing that makes me think you're a girl, is when we refer to you as a "he" on blog comments/chat/etc. you sparingly correct us.
[04:38] <CM4S> Well.
[04:39] <CM4S> Since you aren't telling the truth, I'm gonna take you out of the comic
[04:39] <CM4S> You don't care, do you.
[04:39] <CM4S> xD
[04:39] <Cligra> I don't really correct, per se....
[04:39] <Cligra> @CM4S: Nope, not really. XD
[04:39] <Skdhjf> This is confusing me.
[04:39] <Skdhjf> Help me please.
[04:39] <Cligra> *hands skd bug spray*
[04:39] <Cligra> That help?
[04:40] <Skdhjf> *skd drinks it*
[04:40] <Skdhjf> Yeah.
[04:40] <Skdhjf> Ok, moving on.
[04:40] <1999bug> *Stays away from Skd*
[04:40] <1999bug> Bug spray... my arch-nemesis.
[04:40] <Skdhjf> Unless...
[04:40] <Skdhjf> Wait a minute....
[04:40] <1999bug> Isn't it obvious, Cligra is Jar-Jar. Duh.
[04:40] <Skdhjf> Cligra's name on his email is a male name..
[04:40] <Skdhjf> So he is male.
[04:41] <Skdhjf> Case dismissed.
[04:41] <Skdhjf> *hammer*
[04:41] <CM4S> I honestly don't give a flying feather :P 
[04:41] <Cligra> Do you really think I'd use my real name? :/ 
[04:41] <Skdhjf> People use real names on E-Mails...
[04:41] <Cligra> Huh.
[04:41] <Cligra> :/ 
[04:41] <Skdhjf> (except me)
[04:41] <Skdhjf> (because I am like confidential)
[04:42] <Cligra> (that)
[04:42] <Skdhjf> Well, my brain is hurting from all this mess.
[04:42] <Cligra> :D 
[04:42] <Skdhjf> I used to think Swipe was a girl...
[04:43] <Skdhjf> (dont tell him that!)
[04:43] <Skdhjf> Because of the name.
[04:43] <Skdhjf> But then realized it was a generic lego name.
[04:43] <Skdhjf> Hmm.
[04:43] <Skdhjf> You could tell I am male due to my BOSS attitude.
[04:43] <Skdhjf> And my handsome avatar
[04:43] <Skdhjf> ;D
[04:44] <Cligra> I just get names from Galidor. :D 
[04:44] <Skdhjf> O.o
[04:44] <1999bug> I still think Cligra is Jar-Jar...
[04:44] <Skdhjf> I wish I collected crappy sets
[04:44] <CM4S> I'm bored.
[04:44] <Skdhjf> Go fly a kite
[04:44] <Skdhjf> O.o
[04:44] <Skdhjf> Or go on a picnic
[04:44] <Skdhjf> with someone ;D
[04:45] <Skdhjf> Or E-Mail me
[04:45] <Skdhjf> Or build something
[04:45] <Skdhjf> or eat
[04:45] <Skdhjf> or play a game
[04:45] <Skdhjf> or watch the news
[04:45] <Skdhjf> or chat
[04:45] <Skdhjf> or sleep
[04:45] <CM4S> Totall--
[04:45] <CM4S> Dang it
[04:45] <1999bug> Or jump off a cliff - I do it in my spare time - and then fall to your doom
[04:45] <CM4S> It's 11:45 PM here
[04:45] <CM4S> :( 
[04:45] <1999bug> Err- eat pie
[04:45] <CM4S> Really, Bug?
[04:45] <Skdhjf> 11:45 isn't late.
[04:45] <1999bug> Yes really.
[04:45] <Skdhjf> 5:59 is late
[04:45] <Skdhjf> O.o
[04:45] <1999bug> Jumping off of cliffs is fun...
[04:46] <Skdhjf> Whaaa?
[04:46] <1999bug> Err- eating pie is fun.
[04:46] <CM4S> 11:45 PM
[04:46] <Skdhjf> Who is having suicidal thoughts or actions?
[04:46] <CM4S> It's almost midnight, T_T
[04:46] <CM4S> I am.
[04:46] <CM4S> I do every day
[04:46] <Skdhjf> Oh gosh.
[04:46] <Cligra> Meesa need to goesa dosa stuffsa.
[04:46] <Skdhjf> what stuff?
[04:46] <Skdhjf> O.o
[04:46] <Skdhjf> At 10:00 PM?
[04:46] <1999bug> I'm standing on the edge of a cliff right now...
[04:46] <Skdhjf> That's pretty late to do something.
[04:46] <Skdhjf> BUG NO!
[04:46] <CM4S> Oh and Bug
[04:46] <Cligra> Eh.. Make another fake Email name. :P That's always fun...
[04:47] <Skdhjf> nice one.
[04:47] <1999bug> *Trips*
[04:47] <Cligra> "A. Lias" 
[04:47] <CM4S> ROBLOXISCOOOL made 2.0 Ninjago shirts
[04:47] <CM4S> and they still suck
[04:47] <1999bug> Why do I still have my laptop while falling?
[04:47] <1999bug> Aaaaaaaaaaaaah
[04:47] <Skdhjf> ROBLOX is like a chicken dinner
[04:47] <Skdhjf> O.o
[04:47] <1999bug> Chicken tastes good
[04:47] <Skdhjf> like Subway sandwiches
[04:47] <CM4S> T_T
[04:47] <CM4S> You guys are so random
[04:47] <Skdhjf> ya dawg
[04:47] <1999bug> Yum
[04:48] <Skdhjf> So Chuck.
[04:48] <1999bug> I happen to be hugging a sub sandwich right now.
[04:48] <Skdhjf> NOWAI
[04:48] <1999bug> Chuck is a duck who likes to eat corn.
[04:48] <Skdhjf> Were you born in 1999?
[04:48] <CM4S> Chuck isn't his real name :P 
[04:48] <1999bug> No
[04:48] <1999bug> No
[04:48] <Skdhjf> 1999?
[04:48] <1999bug> Pie
[04:48] <1999bug> Is
[04:48] <1999bug> My
[04:48] <1999bug> Chicken
[04:49] <Skdhjf> Pie tastes like crap
[04:49] <CM4S> ..
[04:49] <CM4S> xD
[04:49] <1999bug> Crap tastes like pie
[04:49] <Skdhjf> I prefer something more HEAVIER
[04:49] <Skdhjf> A man dessert
[04:49] <1999bug> Cake?
[04:49] <1999bug> On fire
[04:49] <Skdhjf> CAKE IS WOMAN DESSERT
[04:49] <Skdhjf> only women eat cake
[04:49] <Skdhjf> and tea
[04:49] <1999bug> I am a woman dessert... err... yeah... cake
[04:50] <Skdhjf> O.o
[04:50] <CM4S> I undress myself
[04:50] <CM4S> Then get dressed again
[04:50] <CM4S> c:
[04:50] <Skdhjf> Umm, what?
[04:50] <CM4S> Idk xD
[04:50] <Skdhjf> That sounds like grounds for a Warn1
[04:50] <CM4S> ._.
[04:51] <Skdhjf> Puppy face!
[04:51] <CM4S> c8 )
[04:51] <1999bug> Lol
[04:51] <Skdhjf> Bug, do you stay on Brickipedia and ROBLOX all day?
[04:51] <Skdhjf> I see you here like all the time :D 
[04:52] <1999bug> Meh
[04:52] <CM4S> Did anyone see WhiteFang's S7 review?
[04:52] <1999bug> Not all day.
[04:52] <CM4S> :l
[04:52] <1999bug> No
[04:52] <Skdhjf> This is CM4S on his iPad 2:
[04:52] <Skdhjf> ._.
[04:52] <CM4S> o--o
[04:52] <CM4S> How did you get that
[04:52] <Skdhjf> :3
[04:52] <1999bug> x3
[04:52] <Skdhjf> IRS
[04:52] <CM4S> I'm not joking
[04:52] <CM4S> That's me, please remove it.
[04:52] <Skdhjf> is that you?
[04:52] <CM4S> Yes, please remove it.
[04:53] <CM4S> No, I'm joking
[04:53] <CM4S> ._.
[04:53] <1999bug> Lol
[04:53] <CM4S> I'd be freaked out if.
[04:53] <CM4S> .Anyway
[04:53] <CM4S>
[04:53] <CM4S> Scarlet red.
[04:53] <CM4S> IS SO COOL
[04:53] <Skdhjf> eurobricks is overrated
[04:53] <CM4S> Pfft
[04:53] <CM4S> Hey guys?
[04:53] <Skdhjf> yo
[04:53] <1999bug> ...
[04:54] <1999bug> i liek masht potatoz
[04:54] <Skdhjf> wai
[04:54] <1999bug> becos
[04:54] <1999bug> i can <3 dem if i wunt tew
[04:55] <Skdhjf> umm what?
[04:55] <1999bug> u cant read my stuff narb
[04:55] <1999bug> i kickban ur faic narb
[04:55] <1999bug> too bad u admin
[04:56] <1999bug> cos me liek mudkipz
[04:56] <Skdhjf> CLIGRA!
[04:56] <CM4S> Would you say I've done good things to this wiki?
[04:56] <CM4S> Helped it a lot?
[04:56] <CM4S> Be honest, please.
[04:56] <Skdhjf> ._.
[04:56] <Skdhjf> Well...
[04:56] <1999bug> Well...
[04:57] <CM4S> In my past days.
[04:57] <Skdhjf> You do specialize in Collectible Minifigure uploading...
[04:57] <1999bug> <Insert Suspense Here>
[04:57] <Skdhjf> I like you before you changed....
[04:57] <Skdhjf> No offense...
[04:57] <Skdhjf> In all do respect.
[04:58] <1999bug> Back when you were all like "i leik mudkipz and upload minifig pics cos i leik to."
[04:58] <1999bug> Or something
[04:58] <CM4S> Skd, that was only 
[04:58] <CM4S> Oh
[04:58] <CM4S> Good point
[04:58] <1999bug> Tat's right...
[04:58] <Skdhjf> ^
[04:58] <LEGOMAN2135> CM4S I Like Ur LEGO Cuusoo Stuff
[04:58] <Skdhjf> YEAH!
[04:58] <Skdhjf> HOW ARE YOU, LEGOMAN?
[04:58] <CM4S> I was gonna say "That was only today, for the Minifigure stuff"
[04:58] <LEGOMAN2135> good you?
[04:58] <CM4S> I bring news to the wiki..
[04:58] <Skdhjf> My caps lock key is broken seriously 
[04:58] <LEGOMAN2135> lol
[04:58] <Skdhjf> CM4S: Exactly.
[04:58] <LEGOMAN2135> yes what news
[04:59] <CM4S> I brought the news for Seires 6 7 and 8
[04:59] <1999bug> @TAT: ALL CAPS RAGE.
[04:59] <Skdhjf> YEA
[04:59] <CM4S> I brought info on some news for Super Heroes
[04:59] <Skdhjf> IT HAS A SHARK!
[04:59] <1999bug> I LIEK MUDKIPZ
[04:59] <LEGOMAN2135> YEAH! TELL US
[04:59] <Skdhjf> I SAW PICS OF SERIES 8
[04:59] <Skdhjf> NO KIDDIN
[04:59] <LEGOMAN2135> ok i'll look it up
[04:59] <CM4S> I love how none of you give a crap about this.
[04:59] <Skdhjf> IN LEGO CLUB PAGE 89
[04:59] <Skdhjf> O.o
[05:00] <1999bug> o.O
[05:00] <Skdhjf> I need to rejoin chat. I am acting too immature
[05:00] <LEGOMAN2135> TELL US CM4S
[05:00] <CM4S> No brick.
[05:00] <1999bug> Same
[05:00] <Skdhjf> ok back
[05:00] <1999bug> Hello, sirs.
[05:00] <1999bug> G'day, is it not?
[05:00] <CM4S> I brought news about the 2012 set images in December
[05:01] <Skdhjf> No..
[05:01] <Skdhjf> I did...
[05:01] <CM4S> The Dynamic Duo set I shared
[05:01] <LEGOMAN2135> What News Do U Bring
[05:01] <Skdhjf> all
[05:01] <Skdhjf> he brings it all
[05:01] <LEGOMAN2135> yes
[05:01] <Skdhjf> I bring more though
[05:01] <LEGOMAN2135> yes indeed
[05:01] <Skdhjf> glad you agree
[05:01] <LEGOMAN2135> yes i do dare so
[05:01] <CM4S> I brought news about the "new action theme" coming this Summer
[05:01] <CM4S> AKA Monster Fighters
[05:01] <LEGOMAN2135> Ok Tell me
[05:01] <Cligra> Hm.
[05:02] <Skdhjf> O.O
[05:02] <1999bug> I brought news about... uh... things.
[05:02] <LEGOMAN2135> O_O
[05:02] <LEGOMAN2135> what
[05:02] <1999bug> IDK O_O
[05:02] <CM4S> [[User blog:CM4S/Complete Series 6 and Star Wars 2012_pictures|User_blog:CM4S/Complete_Series_6_and_Star_Wars_2012_pictures]]!
[05:02] <Skdhjf> I brought news about a POTC theme
[05:02] <CM4S> This too
[05:02] <CM4S> Spongebob 2012 sets too
[05:02] <LEGOMAN2135> u did
[05:02] <1999bug> I brought news about... uh... things.
[05:02] <Cligra> I did something useful once. Probably. 
[05:02] <1999bug> Oh wait, I already said that.
[05:02] <1999bug> :P 
[05:02] <Skdhjf> I saved the wiki from death..
[05:02] <LEGOMAN2135> i read brickjournal 
[05:03] <Skdhjf> no kidding....
[05:03] <1999bug> I saved the world from death..
[05:03] <CM4S> Friends pics.
[05:03] <1999bug> Because I can.
[05:03] <CM4S> Those S6 pics when they were on that Chinese forum
[05:03] <Skdhjf> I saved the universe from death.
[05:03] <Skdhjf> wow.
[05:03] <Skdhjf> Harry Potter is a crappy film.
[05:03] <1999bug> I saved Chuck Norris from death..
[05:03] <Skdhjf> oh gosh.
[05:03] <Skdhjf> -_-
[05:03] <Skdhjf> -_-
[05:03] <Cligra> .............
[05:03] <1999bug> ...
[05:03] <CM4S> I brought a lot of good things to this wiki.
[05:04] <Cligra> Yup.
[05:04] <LEGOMAN2135> ha ha ha!! yes u did
[05:04] <LEGOMAN2135> Tell Us About Series 8 NOW
[05:04] <CM4S> No.
[05:04] <LEGOMAN2135> yes
[05:04] <1999bug> I brought a lot of bad things to this wiki... like... evil demon masht potatoz on fire...
[05:04] <LEGOMAN2135> yes
[05:04] <LEGOMAN2135> noooooo
[05:04] <CM4S> The only thing that's been released is that the box color is black
[05:04] <Cligra> Hm. :/ 
[05:04] <LEGOMAN2135> u said u had news
[05:04] <CM4S> I wish I'd be treated nicer.
[05:04] <LEGOMAN2135> tell us this new news
[05:05] <CM4S> I'll treat other people nicer.
[05:05] <Skdhjf> yo wat up
[05:05] <LEGOMAN2135> ok you will be treated like a My Little Pony
[05:05] <Cligra> Air
[05:05] <Skdhjf> Ajr?
[05:05] <Skdhjf> ;D
[05:05] <Skdhjf> You need Ajr?
[05:05] <Cligra> :D 
[05:05] <Cligra> Yeesa!
[05:05] <LEGOMAN2135> Plz Tell Us
[05:05] <1999bug> Ajr is dead. There is only Bug.
[05:05] <Cligra> Meesa dosa!
[05:05] <Skdhjf> dose?
[05:05] <Skdhjf> you need a dose?
[05:05] <Skdhjf> O.o
[05:05] <Skdhjf> 
[05:05] <CM4S> S7 has no rubber hairpieces
[05:05] <1999bug> ._.
[05:06] <Cligra> Does of Ajr!
[05:06] <CM4S> I just wanna change ._.
[05:06] <1999bug> S7 is S7.
[05:06] <1999bug> ^Best news ever
[05:06] <Skdhjf> [[User:Skdhjfsucks|My fan who I can't seem to forget]]
[05:06] <Cligra> Wow,.....
[05:06] <Skdhjf> :D 
[05:06] <Cligra> :P 
[05:06] <Cligra> :D 
[05:06] <CM4S> .-.
[05:06] <Skdhjf> I am too famous
[05:06] <1999bug> [[User:Brickipediasucks]]
[05:06] <Cligra> O_o
[05:06] <Cligra> (beat-up) 
[05:06] <Skdhjf> it doesn't exist
[05:07] <1999bug> Ikr
[05:07] <Skdhjf> Skdhjfsucks made a username just for me!
[05:07] <1999bug> It does in my dreams <3
[05:07] <Cligra> That's what's surprising... 
[05:07] <Skdhjf> OMG
[05:07] <Skdhjf> 
[05:07] <Skdhjf> I SEE A PONY
[05:07] <CM4S> Seriously, no one gives a ████ about this
[05:07] <CM4S> ._.
[05:07] <CM4S> BEFORE
[05:07] <1999bug> I see a chicken on fire
[05:07] <CM4S> you ban me.
[05:07] <Cligra> 
[05:07] <CM4S> You think
[05:07] <Cligra> ;_;
[05:08] <CM4S> That black rectangle could mean any four-letter word.
[05:08] <CM4S> It's what you think.
[05:08] <1999bug> <Insert kickban here>
[05:08] <Skdhjf> it bugs me when people talk crap
[05:08] <1999bug> Ban him for 90 years! >:)
[05:08] <CM4S> ██ ██████
[05:08] <CM4S> Hi Skdhjf
[05:08] <CM4S> :D 
[05:08] <Skdhjf> oh shoot
[05:08] <Skdhjf> -_-
[05:08] <LEGOMAN2135> lol yes yes yes O_o
[05:09] <LEGOMAN2135> o_O
[05:09] <LEGOMAN2135> mario
[05:09] <CM4S> Hey guys
[05:09] <Cligra> ..How do I change my preferences to see the badness? :D 
[05:09] <LEGOMAN2135> batman
[05:09] <CM4S> Series 8 has a ███████!
[05:09] <CM4S> Did you know?
[05:09] <CM4S> :D 
[05:09] <Cligra> ...........
[05:09] <LEGOMAN2135> tell me
[05:09] <1999bug> █ ██ ████████
[05:09] <Skdhjf> shoot.
[05:09] <1999bug> "I AM SPAMMING"
[05:09] <1999bug> :D 
[05:09] <Cligra> Stop, or I'll ban you both for spm if nothing else...
[05:09] <Cligra> :D 
[05:09] <1999bug> Okay :D 
[05:09] <CM4S> Fine
[05:09] <CM4S> Also
[05:09] <CM4S> I have an idea
[05:09] <Cligra> *spam *sigh*
[05:10] <Skdhjf> lol I thought you said spam high
[05:10] <Skdhjf> O.o
[05:10] <Cligra> Wassa yousa ideasa? 
[05:10] <CM4S> I was on a wiki chat, and they had an X incase any user said a cuss word
[05:10] <CM4S> For example
[05:10] <CM4S> Someone
[05:10] <CM4S> o_o
[05:10] <Skdhjf> Whoa, LEGOMAN...
[05:10] <Skdhjf> Keep your language down
[05:10] <1999bug> x3
[05:10] <CM4S> For example, how LEGOMAN says ----
[05:10] <CM4S> That would be replaced with an X
[05:10] <Cligra> "jk" is a bad word, after all. :P 
[05:10] <1999bug> Yeah
[05:10] <LEGOMAN2135> *slams desk laughing*
[05:10] <1999bug> They use emotes to do that, CM4S.
[05:10] <CM4S> when your cursor is placed over the X, it shows the word
[05:11] <CM4S> I know :P 
[05:11] <LEGOMAN2135> lol
[05:11] <LEGOMAN2135> so who want's lego batman 2
[05:11] <1999bug> Like I hoover my cursor over :P and it shows this:
[05:11] <1999bug> :P
[05:11] <CM4S> ..Me..?
[05:11] <1999bug> OMG HAX
[05:11] <1999bug> Lol
[05:11] <CM4S> Whoa, hax
[05:11] <CM4S> Lawl
[05:11] <LEGOMAN2135> no no way in heck
[05:11] <Skdhjf> I despise potty mouths.
[05:12] <CM4S> Oh yeah, happy Sunday :D 
[05:12] <Skdhjf> -_-
[05:12] <LEGOMAN2135> it is not 12:0 yet
[05:12] <CM4S> It's 12:12 here
[05:12] <LEGOMAN2135> 12:00
[05:12] <CM4S> in MN
[05:12] <Skdhjf> Civilized individuals use correct and appropriate English.
[05:12] <LEGOMAN2135> it is 10:12 here
[05:12] <Skdhjf> English isn't a playground.
[05:12] <Cligra> not da ca$h cow,. he 2 ausum
[05:13] <1999bug> :Р
[05:13] <Cligra> he sez wat he wans
[05:13] <1999bug> HAX Р
[05:13] <1999bug> Fail
[05:13] <1999bug> :Р
[05:13] <Cligra> But seriously, folks... :P 
[05:13] <Skdhjf> <nowiki/>:P
[05:13] <Skdhjf> How do you do that bug?
[05:13] <1999bug> Magic :Р
[05:13] <Cligra> <nowiki>:P
[05:13] <Cligra> Hm...
[05:13] <Skdhjf> Help me bug
[05:13] <CM4S> ..
[05:13] <Cligra> <pre>:P
[05:13] <Cligra> Hmm...
[05:13] <1999bug> No :Р
[05:13] <CM4S> This guy is rich:
[05:13] <Cligra> :P 
[05:13] <CM4S>
[05:14] <CM4S> He bought all of those
[05:14] <Skdhjf> loser
[05:14] <Cligra> ............
[05:14] <1999bug> I am using unicode magic. :Р
[05:14] <Skdhjf> losers spend their whole paycheck on LEGO
[05:14] <1999bug> All hail the CHARACTER MAP.
[05:14] <Cligra> Yayza!
[05:15] <Skdhjf> {{C|:P}}
[05:15] <CM4S> OMG
[05:15] <CM4S> S8 PIC ON EB
[05:15] <CM4S> Uploading!
[05:15] <1999bug> <Insert Corny Joke Here>
[05:15] <1999bug> Lies
[05:15] <CM4S> [[File:Series8OMG.jpg]]
[05:15] <Skdhjf> O.o
[05:15] <1999bug> Knew it
[05:15] <CM4S> xD
[05:15] <1999bug> I had NewFiles up in case...
[05:16] <CM4S> Lol
[05:16] <1999bug> Plus I went to EB first
[05:16] <Skdhjf> What a joke.
[05:16] <1999bug> :P 
[05:16] <CM4S> ..
[05:16] <CM4S> Warn TOO
[05:16] <Skdhjf> LEGOMAN: QUIT IT
[05:16] <LEGOMAN2135> ok
[05:16] <Skdhjf> Thanks.
[05:16] <Skdhjf> :) 
[05:16] <LEGOMAN2135> :( 
[05:16] <1999bug> i liek mudkipz... DO YOU?
[05:16] <LEGOMAN2135> i'm so excited/nervous
[05:16] <CM4S> I'm joking
[05:16] <CM4S> Here's the real one
[05:16] <1999bug> Yeeeeeah
[05:17] <1999bug> Not fooling me twice
[05:17] <Skdhjf> Same
[05:17] <LEGOMAN2135> ok u guys check it first
[05:17] <LEGOMAN2135> come on CM4S
[05:17] <LEGOMAN2135> link the pic
[05:17] <CM4S> [[File:SERIES8OMGOMG.png]]
[05:17] <CM4S> ._.
[05:18] <1999bug> Let me guess
[05:18] <1999bug> Series 7 pics?
[05:18] <CM4S> Lol
[05:18] <CM4S> Whatever, just delete 'em
[05:18] <LEGOMAN2135> liar liar Liar i fell for it
[05:18] <Skdhjf> I am bored.
[05:18] <Skdhjf> -_-
[05:18] <Skdhjf> Chat gets boring.
[05:18] <CM4S> Yesss
[05:18] <CM4S> I might
[05:18] <CM4S> ..just..go.
[05:18] <Skdhjf> When will the n00bs get on? -_-
[05:19] <LEGOMAN2135> lets play MC
[05:19] <CM4S> DEAR GOD NO
[05:19] <Cligra> meesa nooob...
[05:19] <LEGOMAN2135> why?
[05:19] <Skdhjf> I should go also and do something constructive 
[05:19] <CM4S> I will
[05:19] <CM4S> go to sleep
[05:19] <CM4S> Bye
[05:19] <Skdhjf> Bye
[05:19] <Skdhjf> sweet dreams
[05:19] <1999bug> Besides, everyone knows that you can only get CM images this early if you know a LEGO designer... like I do... [[File:Series8Revealed0020.png]]
[05:19] <CM4S> xD
[05:19] <Cligra> :D 
[05:20] <Skdhjf> BARBIE?
[05:20] <CM4S> Barbie?!
[05:20] <CM4S> Really?
[05:20] <Skdhjf> oh shoot.
[05:20] <1999bug> BARBIE!
[05:20] <Skdhjf> :I
[05:20] <Cligra> ...Whatsa?
[05:20] <1999bug> <3
[05:20] <Skdhjf> The lines of defining people's genders are getting finer and finer....
[05:20] <Cligra> hehehehehhehehe
[05:20] <Skdhjf> Now your account looks 100% feminine 
[05:21] <Skdhjf> Congrats
[05:21] <Cligra> tehehehehehe
[05:21] <Cligra> :P 
[05:21] <Skdhjf> So...............
[05:21] <CM4S> Ooh, someone on EB found a pic of a Zombie from the Zombie set
[05:21] <1999bug> Cligra... you're scaring me with all of those tehehehes. :P 
[05:21] <Skdhjf> ^
[05:21] <1999bug> Renfield?
[05:21] <Skdhjf> I am getting freaked out already
[05:21] <1999bug> That dude?
[05:22] <CM4S> [[File:MonsterFightersZombie.png]]
[05:22] <CM4S> No, it's a new one
[05:22] <Cligra> Teehee? :D 
[05:22] <CM4S> He has a gigantic gash on his head
[05:22] <Skdhjf> dont click!
[05:22] <1999bug> Yeah
[05:22] <1999bug> I bet
[05:22] <Skdhjf> I have new files open
[05:22] <CM4S> c:
[05:22] <CM4S> Lol
[05:22] <1999bug> It's an image of... let me guess...
[05:22] <CM4S> Well.
[05:22] <1999bug> *Clicks anyway*
[05:22] <CM4S> It's not a "gash"
[05:22] <1999bug> Oh, it's a pic of you.
[05:22] <CM4S> It's more like 
[05:22] <CM4S> ._.
[05:22] <Skdhjf> Seriously, logical people like me upload files with fact and information.
[05:22] <1999bug> Man you're wrinkly.
[05:23] <CM4S> ._.
[05:23] <1999bug> x)
[05:23] <Cligra> *hits spam images with delete gun*
[05:23] <Skdhjf> nuke
[05:23] <Skdhjf> let's tell trick questions
[05:23] <Skdhjf> :D 
[05:23] <Skdhjf> 
[05:24] <Skdhjf> I am getting bored.
[05:24] <Cligra> Which is better, Barbie or Scala? :D 
[05:24] <1999bug> There are sixty cups on a table. If one falls down, then how many remain?
[05:24] <Skdhjf> barbie!
[05:24] <Skdhjf> Bug: 5
[05:24] <Skdhjf> -_-
[05:24] <Skdhjf> six*tea* cups
[05:24] <1999bug> Darn u mudkipz
[05:24] <Skdhjf> mudkipz?
[05:24] <Skdhjf> WTH?
[05:24] <1999bug> MUDKIPZ
[05:25] <Skdhjf> WTH is that?
[05:25] <CM4S> [[File:LOLRANDOM.png]] c:
[05:25] <Skdhjf> yay
[05:25] <Skdhjf> hello
[05:25] <1999bug>
[05:25] <Frimmolino> hello
[05:25] <Skdhjf> Welcome to Brickipedia chat
[05:25] <Frimmolino> thanks skdhjf
[05:26] <Skdhjf> No problem. :D 
[05:26] <Skdhjf> So, how are you?
[05:26] <CM4S> -ignored-
[05:26] <CM4S> Lol
[05:26] <Cligra> Random Batman-related link of the day:
[05:26] <CM4S> [[File:LOLLIPOPRANDOM.png]]
[05:27] <CM4S> Wut da hek, clig
[05:27] <Skdhjf> Ok, I need to go.
[05:27] <CM4S> Clig, is your username pronounced "S-lig-ruh" or "Clig-Ruh"
[05:27] <CM4S> Bye Skd
[05:27] <CM4S> c:<
[05:27] <Skdhjf> I am bored
[05:27] <Cligra> Bye, Skd!
[05:27] <Skdhjf> l8er
[05:27] <Frimmolino> Fine thanks, do you mind if i call you Skd
[05:27] <Skdhjf> Nope.
[05:27] <Skdhjf> :D 
[05:27] <CM4S> Clig, answer me
[05:27] <1999bug> It took 20,000 workers to build the Taj Mahal in 20 years. How many workers would be required to build it in 10 years?
[05:27] <Frimmolino> ok and thanks ;) 
[05:27] <Skdhjf> I have to go now, Frimmolino. See you later! Cligra can talk to you.
[05:27] <Skdhjf> :D 
[05:28] <Skdhjf> Bye
[05:28] <Frimmolino> ok
[05:28] <1999bug> Mudkipz say bye
[05:28] <1999bug> <Insert Creepy Smile Here>
[05:28] <CM4S> Lol
[05:28] <CM4S> Guys
[05:28] <1999bug> Wut
[05:28] <Frimmolino> It would take 40,000 to build it in 10 years
[05:28] <Cligra> "Clig-Ruh", CM4S
[05:29] <1999bug> Wrong answer! >:0
[05:29] <CM4S> Best song ever
[05:29] <Frimmolino> what then
[05:30] <1999bug> The Taj Mahal can't be rebuilt.
[05:30] <1999bug> Duuuuuuuuuuuuuh
[05:30] <Cligra> :/ 
[05:30] <Cligra> :P 
[05:30] <CM4S> Mr. T.
[05:31] <CM4S> Really.
[05:31] <Frimmolino> why not
[05:31] <Cligra> (mrt) 
[05:31] <Frimmolino> (mrt) 
[05:32] <Frimmolino> Rofl
[05:32] <Cligra> Rofl? :D 
[05:33] <Cligra> Barbies are better then Mr. T. :P 
[05:34] <1999bug> (Barbie)
[05:34] <CM4S> Guys
[05:34] <CM4S> Best friggin place evar
[05:34] <1999bug> Wut do ju want
[05:34] <1999bug> I've been there before ;D
[05:34] <1999bug> I watched it for 110 HRS
[05:34] <1999bug> woooooo
[05:35] <Frimmolino> cool
[05:35] <CM4S> I know..
[05:35] <CM4S> woo..
[05:35] <CM4S> mn..pass thos chipss..
[05:35] <CM4S> woo
[05:36] <1999bug> nuuuu
[05:36] <CM4S> do it..
[05:36] <CM4S> AWESOME
[05:37] <Cligra> Stop please, or you will be banned for spam.
[05:37] <CM4S> Fine ._.
[05:38] <Cligra> Thank you. :) 
[05:38] <CM4S> What's the name of this song?
[05:38] <Cligra> .............................
[05:39] <Cligra> Final. Warning.
[05:39] <CM4S> No,
[05:39] <CM4S> I'm asking what the song it
[05:39] <CM4S> is*
[05:39] <Skdhjf> back
[05:40] <CM4S> Skd
[05:40] <Cligra> Hey, Skd! :D 
[05:40] <Cligra> You missed my Mr. T avatar. :O 
[05:40] <Cligra> (mrt) 
[05:40] <Skdhjf> mr T avatar?
[05:40] <Skdhjf> O.o
[05:41] <Cligra> I can revert it. :D 
[05:41] <Cligra> (mrt) 
[05:42] <Skdhjf> oh my
[05:42] <Cligra> Which one's better? :D 
[05:42] <Skdhjf> change it!
[05:42] <Skdhjf> :3
[05:42] <Cligra> You can't go wrong with (mrt) ....\
[05:42] <Cligra> *:/
[05:43] <Skdhjf> sure.
[05:43] <Cligra> :D 
[05:44] <Skdhjf> .
[05:44] <Skdhjf> .
[05:44] <Skdhjf> .
[05:44] <Cligra> You must use Barbietar as well! :D 
[05:45] <Skdhjf> Nah
[05:45] <Cligra> 
[05:49] <Cligra> ..................
[05:49] <Cligra> Please stop that.
[05:49] <CM4S> .0.
[05:49] <CM4S> Lol
[05:49] <CM4S> Scared emote
[05:49] <Cligra> Warn one, Frimmolino.....
[05:51] <Skdhjf> º0º <-- scared emote
[05:51] <Skdhjf> :#
[05:51] <Cligra> I repeat, please stop that, Frimmolino.
[05:51] <Frimmolino> what
[05:51] <CM4S> ;l
[05:51] <Frimmolino> what
[05:51] <Cligra> You keep entering and leaving, which is considered spam. 
[05:53] <Frimmolino> Im sorry
[05:53] <CM4S> clone does it
[05:53] <CM4S> maybe is a glich
[05:53] <Frimmolino> it's just i keep ongetting disconnected
[05:53] <Cligra> Ah. Okay, then.
[05:53] <Frimmolino> It my computer's fault
[05:53] <Frimmolino> sorry ;( 
[05:54] <CM4S> I'm tired, I better get going
[05:54] <CM4S> Bye
[05:54] <Frimmolino> bye
[05:54] <Cligra> Bye.
[05:54] <Cligra> Have a Barbie-tastic day! :D 
[05:54] <1999bug> Weeee
[05:54] <1999bug> How's it going?
[05:55] <1999bug> <Insert Randomness Here>
[05:55] <Cligra> Barbie-mazingly. :P 
[05:56] <1999bug> Great to know.
[05:56] <CM4S> :l
[05:56] <1999bug> CM4S is back.
[05:56] <1999bug> Weird
[05:56] <Cligra> :/ 
[05:56] <1999bug> He must have forgotten his eyeglasses.
[05:56] <1999bug> And needed to get them.
[05:57] <1999bug> Goodnight world
[08:21] <CzechMate> very happy
[08:22] <CzechMate> :D 
[08:24] <Mythrun> [[User:Mythrun]]
[08:24] <CzechMate> Hey
[08:24] <CzechMate> Lol
[08:25] <CzechMate> What did you do to make it like that?!
[08:26] <Mythrun> CSS.
[08:26] <Mythrun> And I just made the search bar upside-down. :P 
[08:26] <CzechMate> Lawl
[08:26] <CzechMate> Last time I did something good to my page was...
[08:26] <CzechMate> Never
[08:27] <CzechMate> I sometimes have a small info box
[08:28] <CzechMate> I'm not bothered these days with Userpages
[08:33] <CzechMate> Hey
[08:33] <LEGOSpinjitzu> Hello
[08:33] <CzechMate> How are you?
[08:33] <LEGOSpinjitzu> Fine, thanks.
[08:34] <LEGOSpinjitzu> And how are you?
[08:34] <CzechMate> Good thanks
[08:38] <CzechMate> ...
[08:40] <CzechMate> Hey SKP
[08:42] <SKP4472> Hi CP
[08:42] <CzechMate> How are you?
[08:43] <SKP4472> I'm alright, you? : )
[08:43] <Mythrun> Lol, hover the mouse over my avatar on my profile.
[08:43] <CzechMate> @SKP I'm pretty good
[08:43] <SKP4472> @Mythrun Very good. :P 
[08:43] <CzechMate> (I'm in the logs, finding out if Nighthawk has ever been banned)
[08:43] <CzechMate> :P 
[08:44] <CzechMate> He hasn't
[08:44] <SKP4472> @CP Hahaha, lol
[08:44] <CzechMate> Which somewhat amazes me
[08:44] <SKP4472> No I didn't he would of.
[08:44] <SKP4472> I've been banned twice.
[08:44] <CzechMate> Really?
[08:44] <CzechMate> Who by?
[08:44] <CzechMate> and what for?
[08:45] <SKP4472> The first time was when a proxy managed to render my IP and vandalise and so it received a global block from Wikia. I had to contact them and then I was unblocked.
[08:45] <CzechMate> Wow
[08:45] <SKP4472> The second time was part of last years April Fools day prank in which Jedi95 blocked me.
[08:46] <CzechMate> Great joke
[08:46] <CzechMate> :P 
[08:46] <SKP4472> Both blocks were not for bad behaviour or such.
[08:46] <CzechMate> (I seem to have two IPs)
[08:46] <CzechMate> (odd)
[08:47] <SKP4472> The closest thing I've had to a block is one official warning about categories back when I joined Brickipedia.
[08:47] <SKP4472> Weird, not sure how you have two IPs
[08:47] <CzechMate> Me either
[08:47] <CzechMate> I do use a variety of computers...
[08:47] <CzechMate> But I've never been blocked
[08:48] <CzechMate> It might be because we changed a bit
[08:48] <CzechMate> We got a new deal
[08:49] <CzechMate> and new brand
[08:49] <SKP4472> Of what?
[08:49] <CzechMate> Internet Broadband/Bandwidth
[08:50] <CzechMate> Other than that, No idea
[08:50] <CzechMate> My old IP was 114. something.something
[08:50] <CzechMate> Now it's 122.something.something
[08:50] <CzechMate> Oh
[08:50] <CzechMate> I have to go
[08:50] <CzechMate> Dinner
[08:50] <SKP4472> Ok, bye for now
[08:51] <Irnakk> hi
[09:52] <Spookycats12> dhc
[09:52] <Spookycats12> ]
[09:52] <Spookycats12> hi
[09:52] <Spookycats12> ah hes gone
[09:55] <CzechMate> Hey
[09:55] <CzechMate> Mr.Star next to his name is on
[09:56] <CzechMate> :p 
[09:56] <Mythrun> [[File:Forums.svg]]
[09:57] <Mythrun> :I Doesn't display correctly for some reason.
[09:58] <CzechMate> Looks a bit odd.
[09:58] <CzechMate> Different colours?
[09:59] <Mythrun> It's not supposed to look like that.
[09:59] <CzechMate> Hmm
[09:59] <Mythrun> Trying to fix it...
[10:00] <CzechMate> Can I help at all?
[10:05] <Mythrun> Think I fixed it.
[10:05] <Br1ck animat0r> heya
[10:05] <Mythrun> Nope.
[10:06] <Br1ck animat0r> what?
[10:07] <CzechMate> Hey Br1ck
[10:07] <Br1ck animat0r> Hey Penguin
[10:07] <CzechMate> I've spent AU $3 on making a custom -_-
[10:07] <CzechMate> *30
[10:07] <Br1ck animat0r> What custom?
[10:08] <CzechMate> [[Custom:Alien%27s ship-pad|Custom:Alien's ship-pad]]
[10:08] <CzechMate> I'm improving it
[10:08] <CzechMate> Adding a colour scheme
[10:08] <CzechMate> details
[10:08] <Br1ck animat0r> That's cool
[10:08] <CzechMate> Thanks
[10:08] <Br1ck animat0r> The infobox says ship-pag
[10:08] <Br1ck animat0r> you should probs change that
[10:09] <CzechMate> Yeah
[10:09] <CzechMate> I'm spending money on Lime Green and Blue bricks
[10:09] <CzechMate> and some Aliens
[10:10] <Br1ck animat0r> I have a boat load of limey's that I don't know how to use
[10:10] <CzechMate> (send them to me :D 
[10:10] <Br1ck animat0r> It's a very specific colour
[10:10] <CzechMate> Yep
[10:10] <Br1ck animat0r> You know how much it'd cost to send a kilo of plastic to australia?
[10:10] <CzechMate> Nope.
[10:10] <CzechMate> 3 pounds?
[10:10] <CzechMate> 4?
[10:11] <Br1ck animat0r> Around £40 before adding VAT and first class postage
[10:11] <CzechMate> Yeeesh
[10:11] <CzechMate> (It only costs me $2:35 to send a minifigure to UK)
[10:12] <Br1ck animat0r> My most expensive bricklink order was from australia, I bought a job lot of figure parts and the shipping totaled at £80
[10:12] <Br1ck animat0r> one figure isn't bad it's a couple of grams and you can send it in an envelope
[10:12] <CzechMate> I guess
[10:13] <CzechMate> My most expensive buy was
[10:13] <CzechMate> 2 sets
[10:13] <CzechMate> Both limited editipn
[10:13] <CzechMate> *edition
[10:13] <CzechMate> about
[10:14] <CzechMate> AU $135
[10:14] <Spookycats12> back
[10:14] <Spookycats12> people wahts the oldest set you have?
[10:14] <CzechMate> Hmm
[10:14] <CzechMate> I think mine is frm 1971
[10:14] <Spookycats12> ive got some old pirate sets
[10:15] <Spookycats12> 1994-6
[10:15] <SKP4472> 1954
[10:15] <Spookycats12> what set?
[10:15] <Spookycats12> 
[10:15] <CzechMate> I do have one from pre-war period
[10:15] <Mythrun> Fixed it.
[10:15] <SKP4472> It was one of the first which came in a wooden box.
[10:16] <Spookycats12> cool
[10:16] <Mythrun> [[File:Forums.svg]]
[10:16] <Spookycats12> anyone collect hp?
[10:16] <SKP4472> I think it's been sold now though.
[10:16] <Br1ck animat0r> My oldest figure is a 1960-70s mechanic, the second oldest is a fireman in an airtight case that was given to me as a birthday present
[10:16] <SKP4472> Nope
[10:16] <Spookycats12> k
[10:16] <Spookycats12> anyone colect pirates of the caribbean or indiana jones?
[10:16] <Br1ck animat0r> I did
[10:17] <Br1ck animat0r> well still collect PoTC
[10:17] <Spookycats12> which one?
[10:17] <Br1ck animat0r> Indy finished
[10:17] <Spookycats12> same
[10:17] <Spookycats12> oh
[10:17] <Br1ck animat0r> you didn't know?
[10:17] <Spookycats12> ive got several indy sets
[10:17] <Spookycats12> yer i know indys finished
[10:17] <Spookycats12> around2007
[10:17] <SKP4472> I was a LEGO Star Wars collector but I don't buy LEGO sets anymore.
[10:17] <CzechMate> I collected IJ
[10:17] <Mythrun> SKP, fine with me adding the forum logo I made to the forum header?
[10:18] <Spookycats12> ij?
[10:18] <Br1ck animat0r> I have all indi sets and all PoTC exept for black pearl, the mill and whitecap bay
[10:18] <CzechMate> Indian Jones
[10:18] <Spookycats12> oh yer
[10:18] <CzechMate> *Indiana 
[10:18] <Spookycats12> br1ck same
[10:18] <SKP4472> Sure, go ahead Mythrun. You're doing a great job with these logos =)
[10:18] <Spookycats12> apart from i dont have the revenge
[10:19] <Spookycats12> anyone seen hhgthg?
[10:19] <CzechMate> Huh?
[10:19] <Spookycats12> hitch hikers guide to the galxy
[10:19] <Br1ck animat0r> Marvin the paranoid android
[10:19] <Spookycats12> alan rickman
[10:19] <SKP4472> Nope
[10:19] <Spookycats12> and warwick davis
[10:20] <Spookycats12> lol the mice
[10:20] <Br1ck animat0r> "I just got shot.... not that anyone cares" *thlump*
[10:20] <Spookycats12> haha
[10:20] <Spookycats12> i liked the random teleporter thingy
[10:20] <Spookycats12> and the krogans
[10:21] <Spookycats12> brb
[10:21] <Mythrun> GTG, bye.
[10:21] <Spookycats12> going on dr who wiki
[10:21] <Spookycats12> cya
[10:21] <Spookycats12> OMG
[10:21] <Spookycats12> 
[10:21] <Spookycats12> NEW POTC FILM
[10:21] <Spookycats12> 
[10:22] <CzechMate> Link?
[10:22] <Spookycats12> gtg bye
[10:22] <Spookycats12> hNG ON
[10:22] <Spookycats12>
[10:22] <Spookycats12> BYE
[10:22] <Spookycats12> gtg
[10:26] <CzechMate> ...
[10:26] <Br1ck animat0r> the lost abbyss....
[10:27] <CzechMate> :p 
[10:27] <CzechMate> Sounds really official :p 
[10:27] <Br1ck animat0r> I just emailed MOCPAGES inquiring about a serious problem with the website
[10:27] <CzechMate> What problem?
[10:28] <Br1ck animat0r> I'll link it to you in PM don't click if you don't want to throw up
[10:28] <CzechMate> k
[10:29] <Br1ck animat0r> If you didn't click I'll explain it to you
[10:37] <Creeper S> What?
[10:37] <Creeper S> Throwing up?
[10:40] <Creeper S> ???
[10:47] <Newman53> hellllo
[10:48] <Newman53> hey Frimmolino
[10:49] <Newman53> ...
[11:05] <Newman53> helloooooo
[11:05] <Newman53> ..............
[11:06] <Newman53> >:C
[11:10] <Newman53> hey Roblox 555
[11:11] <Newman53> oh he's away
[11:12] <Newman53> hi 
[11:12] <Newman53> bye
[11:12] <Newman53> hi
[11:54] <Toa code> hello